Category:Managed Virtual

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Cyber Wurx Managed Virtual Customer Knowledge Base

 Welcome to Cyber Wurx Managed Virtual Customer Knowledge Base
 Welcome to Cyber Wurx Managed Virtual Customer Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Cyber Wurx Managed Virtual Customer Knowledge Base. This is a great resource to find solutions to commonly asked questions that are received by the support department, in addition to housing a number of helpful guides relating to Cyber Wurx utilities and policies.

The Cyber Wurx Customer Center

This is the portal in which you can submit tickets, manage mysql accounts, add ftp users and more...

The odds and ends of the customer center - Managed Edition

Add-on FTP Users

MySQL Databases

Domain Addition

The Cyber Wurx cwMail system

This is the portal in which you can create, check, and modify email accounts.

Navigating cwMail - The what and where on cwmail.

Pop accounts - How to create them, and add them in the popular mail clients

The Cyber Wurx Stats System

You can check various statistical information regarding your sites.

How-To Guides

Wordpress installs: quick and easy.

Commonly Resolved Problems

Q: My domain does not show up in ftp after I submitted a domain add

  • A: Please submit a ticket with the domain in question to support and they will fix it ASAP.

Q: I uploaded a html file but it is showing all garbled in my browser

  • A: Re-upload the file using the ASCII method of transportation.
  • Make sure your ftp client can automatically detect file types.

Q: I can not upload or edit anything to my Wordpress install

  • A:Please submit a ticket with the domain in question to support and they will fix it ASAP.

Q: My server is very slow to respond to my request.

  • A: Please submit a ticket with the domain in question to support.
  • Please include a traceroute from your home computer to your domain.

Articles in category "Managed Virtual"

There are 10 articles in this category.



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