Data Center Code of Conduct

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Cyber Wurx Datacenter Code of Conduct

This document applies to both 55 and 56 Marietta Facilities.
  • Please check in with the security staff prior to entry.
  • No food, drink, or smoking allowed.
  • No borrowing of other customers power, equipment, tools, keyboards, etc. without their explicit written permission.
  • No photography without prior consent.
  • No storage of packing materials in the data center. Please remove all excess items when you leave. All trash must be removed immediately.
  • Upon install, all cables and servers must be prominently labelled.
  • Any cabling running across racks/cabinets other than your own must be approved by management before work commences.
  • All equipment must be bolted in properly and securely with proper support and no stacking equipment.
  • Return crash carts to designated areas after use.
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