Accessing the data centers

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Directions to our 55 Marietta Facility

Below is a link to google maps. From there you can input your starting adress to get directions, streetview stalk us, or whatever!

55 Marietta Street Via Google Maps

We don't know the guy in the red shirt. We swear.

Datacenter Visit Procedure

Here's a few helpful guidelines to make sure your visit to our facility goes as smoothly as possible.

We can't wait to see you!

Before you depart

Before departure we ask that you let us know you will be arriving by submitting a customer service ticket.

Also, please make sure you bring any necessary power adapters and equipment you may need.

  • Monitors and keyboards are provided for you (crash carts)
  • Cables are not provided for you.

What to do when you arrive

Please make sure you make prior parking arrangements. Cyber Wurx is not responsible for any parking fees associated with your visit.

Upon arrival please check in with the security desk located on the lobby of each building.

  • Please do not contact the Cyber Wurx support staff, a security guard will gladly call one of them.

After the guard calls for one of the Cyber Wurx personnel, you will be escorted to your equipment.

While you are here

Please stay in the general vicinity of your equipment or the customer work table.

Please follow the rules outlined in the Data Center Code of Conduct.

Check out procedures

Please check out with the Cyber Wurx staff before you leave (55 Marietta customers please call the office)

Please check out with the security desk at the first floor of each facility.

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