Cpanel Service Emails

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Aug 17, 2007

Subject 	Spamassassin & perl 5.8.8
Body 	NOC:

You are receiving this communication because you are listed as the
tech contact for Cyber Wurx, LLC.

Dear cPanel Partner,

There have been reported issues recently with SpamAssassin in regards to:

1. Load Issues
2. Spamd locking
3. Not catching all spam e-mail

To resolve these issues, please upgrade Perl to version 5.8.8 which is
recommended for using cPanel 11.

You can ensure that each installed module gets carried over to
the updated Perl build with the use of the “autobundle” CPAN feature.

You can create a bundle of the currently installed modules
by executing the following while logged in via SSH as root:

perl -MCPAN -e 'autobundle'

Once completed, you should see the following output before getting
returned to the shell:

'Wrote bundle file /home/.cpan/Bundle/'

Once you've made note of this file name, you can proceed with the update.

On linux based systems, you should be able to update Perl using
the installer provided at

cd /root
tar -zxf perl588installer.tar.gz
cd perl588installer

On FreeBSD based systems, you will need to install Perl from ports.

This will take a few minutes, so take a coffee break and check
the status when you return. Once the update has completed, you
can install all previously installed modules from the CPAN bundle
by executing the following (with the bundle name adjusted to the
name of the bundle generated earlier):

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_2007_08_16_00'

This should install each of the modules present in the bundle,
assuming there are no issues during the installation (dependencies,
network, etc).

Once this has completed, execute the following to ensure that all modules
required by cPanel are installed, and restart cPanel:


For more details on the cPanel 11 updates, please refer to the release
notes at the following URL:

As always, if you incur any complications during the updates, or have
any questions/concerns you would like us to address, contact our support
team by opening a support ticket, and we will gladly assist you!

Matt Carey
Technical Support Manager
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