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From CyberWurx Customer Wiki
Cyber Wurx Customer Knowledge BaseWelcome to the Cyber Wurx Customer knowledge base. This is a great resource to find solutions to solve the commonly asked questions.
The wiki will be split up into different parts based on your account type. From here you can choose co-location, managed hosting, and unmanaged hosting.
Co-location - These are customers that use their own equipment and "co"locate it in our facilities. They pay for the space, power, and bandwidth provided to them.
- Packages can be viewed at the CyberWurx Website.
Managed Hosting - These are customers that are hosted and managed by CyberWurx.
- Packages for this type vary. Look inside Managed Hosting to find out more.
Unmanaged Hosting - These are customers that manage their own Operating System and have complete control over what kind of hosting they want and use.
- Packages can be viewed at the CyberWurx Website