Cpanel Service Emails

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cPanel cPanel
 +== Oct 25, 2007 ==
 +Subject [cPanel] Updating to builds later then 16800 recommend.
 +Body NOC:
 +You are receiving this communication because you are listed as the
 +tech contact for Cyber Wurx, LLC.
 +We are currently tracking a potential denial of service issue with builds older then 16800 (early September). At this time, we recommend customers that are still running these older builds update to any of the currently released versions.
 +The latest builds are:
 +More information will be provided if and when it becomes available. Please note that this may be an unrelated issue, and that this notice only serves as an early warning.
 +-cPanel Support Team
</pre> </pre>

Revision as of 18:56, 25 October 2007


Sept 4, 2007

Subject 	cPanel Advisory: IO::Compress and DNS Zones missing
Body 	NOC:

You are receiving this communication because you are listed as the
tech contact for Cyber Wurx, LLC.

Dear cPanel Partner,

The CPAN module IO::Compress::Zlib version 2.006 has caused several issues for
some. The problems arise due to a dependency upon IO::Compress::Base not
being correctly installed. This is due to some mirrors not being updated with
the proper dependency information. Since the dependencies are incorrect, the
module no longer functions properly. The most noticeable problem from this is
the complete breakage of DNSAdmin, however other issues are caused. To
alleviate the problems, cPanel is providing a hotfix which can be applied in
the following manner:

From the command line:

1. SSH into your server as root.
2. At the command line, execute the following:
/scripts/autorepair io_compress_gzip

Or from WHM:

1. Log into WHM as root
2. Enter the following URL into your browser's address bar:
3. When prompted, enter: io_compress_gzip

The autofixer will report it is applying "IO::Compress::Zlib autorepair
verison 1.1" This process replaces the IO::Compress::Zlib with
version 2.005. Also a hold back has been enabled to prevent the perl installer
process from installing IO::Compress::Zlib version 2.006 until a new
version is available that fixes this problem.

For non-cPanel servers that experience this issue, it is also possible to
resolve this manually by performing the following steps:

1. SSH into your server as root.
2. Execute the following commands:
tar xfzv IO-Compress-Base-2.006.tar.gz
cd IO-Compress-Base-2.006
perl Makefile.PL
make install

The manual fix will also work for a cPanel server.

In order to expedite the process, we have also updated all published builds to include the fix.

If you incur any difficulties during the update process or have any questions
or concerns you wish us to address, please contact our support team by
opening a support ticket though the manage interface.

Matthew Carey
Technical Support Manager
+17135290800 x 4041

Aug 24, 2007

Subject 	cPanel Advisory: Spamassassin 100% cpu usage.
Body 	NOC:

You are receiving this communication because you are listed as the
tech contact for Cyber Wurx, LLC.

Dear cPanel Partner,

There have been numerous reports recently regarding excessive CPU
utilization by spamd. This is occurring as a result of a bug in the
berkelydb implementation used by SpamAssassin, which causes spamd children
to enter an infinite loop when attempting to open a temporary file in the
user's ~./.spamassassin directory.

You can determine whether or not this is the case by executing a trace
against the spamd process in question, and monitoring the trace for
repeated calls to open() a file in ~/.spamassassin/__db.[DB_NAME].

For example, you can launch a trace on the affected process with the
following command:

strace -vvFf -s 4096 -e trace=file -p [PID]

A trace on an affected server would repeated output something similar to
the following:

O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = -1 EEXIST (File exists)
O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = -1 EEXIST (File exists)
O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = -1 EEXIST (File exists)
O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_LARGEFILE, 0600) = -1 EEXIST (File exists)

We have devised a work around for SpamAssassin, which can be applied by
taking the following steps:

killall -TERM spamd # ensure all hung spamd processes are terminated
killall -9 spamd # ensure all hung spamd processes are terminated

Visit the following WHM URL:
Enter spamd_dbm_fix into the input field, and click 'Submit'

Once the patch has been applied, the spamd loads should subside. If the
problem persists after applying the patch, please let our support team
know, and they will investigate any outstanding issues.

We have notified the SpamAssassin developers of this issue, and expect
that this will be resolved in versions 3.2.4 and greater.


Aug 17, 2007

Subject 	Spamassassin & perl 5.8.8
Body 	NOC:

You are receiving this communication because you are listed as the
tech contact for Cyber Wurx, LLC.

Dear cPanel Partner,

There have been reported issues recently with SpamAssassin in regards to:

1. Load Issues
2. Spamd locking
3. Not catching all spam e-mail

To resolve these issues, please upgrade Perl to version 5.8.8 which is
recommended for using cPanel 11.

You can ensure that each installed module gets carried over to
the updated Perl build with the use of the “autobundle” CPAN feature.

You can create a bundle of the currently installed modules
by executing the following while logged in via SSH as root:

perl -MCPAN -e 'autobundle'

Once completed, you should see the following output before getting
returned to the shell:

'Wrote bundle file /home/.cpan/Bundle/'

Once you've made note of this file name, you can proceed with the update.

On linux based systems, you should be able to update Perl using
the installer provided at

cd /root
tar -zxf perl588installer.tar.gz
cd perl588installer

On FreeBSD based systems, you will need to install Perl from ports.

This will take a few minutes, so take a coffee break and check
the status when you return. Once the update has completed, you
can install all previously installed modules from the CPAN bundle
by executing the following (with the bundle name adjusted to the
name of the bundle generated earlier):

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_2007_08_16_00'

This should install each of the modules present in the bundle,
assuming there are no issues during the installation (dependencies,
network, etc).

Once this has completed, execute the following to ensure that all modules
required by cPanel are installed, and restart cPanel:


For more details on the cPanel 11 updates, please refer to the release
notes at the following URL:

As always, if you incur any complications during the updates, or have
any questions/concerns you would like us to address, contact our support
team by opening a support ticket, and we will gladly assist you!

Matt Carey
Technical Support Manager

Oct 25, 2007

Subject 	[cPanel] Updating to builds later then 16800 recommend.
Body 	NOC:

You are receiving this communication because you are listed as the
tech contact for Cyber Wurx, LLC.

We are currently tracking a potential denial of service issue with builds older then 16800 (early September). At this time, we recommend customers that are still running these older builds update to any of the currently released versions.

The latest builds are:


More information will be provided if and when it becomes available. Please note that this may be an unrelated issue, and that this notice only serves as an early warning.

-cPanel Support Team

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