Using the Minecraft Command Console

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Minecraft Command Console is a simple way to run basic commands on the console of the game and preform other basic tasks not available to a user with standard FTP access. It is a simple script that runs every minute. This guide is designed to teach you how to utilize this tool to your benefit. Minecraft Command Console is a simple way to run basic commands on the console of the game and preform other basic tasks not available to a user with standard FTP access. It is a simple script that runs every minute. This guide is designed to teach you how to utilize this tool to your benefit.
=Urgent news= =Urgent news=
-Nothing right now! Please report any bugs as you see them!+Version 0.23 out! Minor bug fixes.
=Configuration= =Configuration=

Revision as of 15:03, 23 February 2011

Minecraft Command Console is a simple way to run basic commands on the console of the game and preform other basic tasks not available to a user with standard FTP access. It is a simple script that runs every minute. This guide is designed to teach you how to utilize this tool to your benefit.


Urgent news

Version 0.23 out! Minor bug fixes.


Minecraft command console is disabled by default. If you would like to use this exciting new feature, you will need to configure it.

Simply open the file: console.cfg

Add your email after email= :

  • Example

Properly Using the Command Console

The script will take each of your commands one by one (line by line) and run them. It is very important to use the proper syntax for commands, or they will not run properly. Once the commands run, the command list will automatically clear itself out.

  • Refer back to this document for information regarding the command console.

Command Syntax

We are going to use a string of commands for an example here. I want to use several commands before I turn off my server to make sure it was properly saved. I could also do an emergency backup in case I want to download a quick world file.

To do this, you would simply open the commands.txt file in the root directory ( / ) of ftp. If you do not see a commands.txt, simply create one and upload it (it should be there already). When you have commands.txt open, simply add each command you want to run line by line. Here is an example of an emergency backup and server shutdown (this is useful for updating minecraft).

Here is how you do it:


These three commands will be taken and interpreted by the command console script one by one. A report of the commands will be emailed to you.

Available Commands

For a full list of available commands, see Minecraft Console Command List

Development commands may be shown here, but not available to your version. (Development commands will be featured here so you can prepare to use them) If you would like to see your current version, run the "about" command.

Script version 0.1

  • Displays information about the script
  • This will reload Hey0's mod.

This is useful for installing new plugins or reloading a whitelist.

  • This will run the backup script on demand.
  • This command will stop the server.

If you are concerned about hard stopping your server via the game panel, run this first

  • This will save the current world file completely.
  • This will turn off world saving.

Make sure you turn it back on if you want to continue saving your world progress!

  • This will turn on world saving.

Script version 0.15


Added new function
Fixed a few typos
  • Saves, stops, and downloads a new minecraft_server.jar file

This does not automatically restart your server yet. You will have to do this by hand.

Script version 0.16


Added new function updatescripts
Fixed a bug that caused the console.cfg file to reset every minute
  • This will update the backend scripts that are used to run the server.

You can find any major bugfixes on the Script Changelog

Recent changes to script structure made this command obsolete and it is phased out

Script version 0.17


Added hey0's mod update command updatehmod
Added function to backup hey0 config files backupconfig
  • This will download and replace the current Minecraft_Mod.jar file.
  • This will also remove the current minecraft_server.jar file and replace it with a new version (if available)
  • This will backup your config files for hmod and throw them in a tar file. Your output email will specify which one is available.

Script version 0.18


Merged update and updatehmod - These commands did the same thing.
Removed command updatescripts (see Script version 0.16)

No new commands available

Script version 0.19


Added new function to restore backups
Added new file: backup-restore.txt
  • This will restore a world based on a backup location specified in backup-restore.txt

Script version 0.2


Cleaning up subroutines. If there are any strange anomalies with command console or adverts, please let CW know.
Adding feature to automatically restart the server.
Adding feature to reset your world file

Available Commands




Script version 0.21


Added ability to toggle hMod on or off. Falls back to vanilla minecraft.

Available Commands


Script version 0.23

New admin mod coming! Minor patch to get things stable.


-All update commands for mods disabled for future Bukkit implementation. This includes autoupdate.
-update command rewritten to update just minecraft vanilla.
-Modified backupconfig to remove hMod support and add new native white-list.txt
-Made togglemod a one way ticket.

Unstable Version

The development functions are available to the script but are considered unstable until a full line of tests are completed. Please note, unstable functions are to be used at your own risk! Data loss may occur while using these functions!

Dev notes

Future Version Plans

Adding Bukkit support